There are 3 weekly rides starting once the weather allows. Rides are always posted on Facebook; here is a basic description.
Tuesday Taco Ride - Starting at 6:07 (6:37 after memorial day) from Centennial Park OR Skyline Bar in North Sioux City (ride from Centennial to Skyline to join others). 3 routes; 1 straight up hwy 105 to Jefferson and back. Stopping at Buds bar and/or Jefferson Brewery. 2nd route goes through McCook Lake and turns east after the high school to join hwy 105. 3rd route goes through McCook Lake to ‘grasshopper corner’ and then east on 330th to Jefferson.
Wednesday Warrior Ride - Before Memorial Day; starting at One Eyed Jacks - 3091 Hamilton Blvd in Sioux City at 6:00. After Memorial - starting at Eddies - 407 D St. Sergeant Bluff at 6:30. Route varies.
Thursday Club Ride - starts at Crave - 1100 Larsen Park Rd at 6:00/6:30 (pre/post Memorial Day) Route varies.