Click Here TO REGISTER WITH RAGBRAI; be sure to choose Siouxland Cyclists as your group!

Online Club Registration and Payment (See button above) - Ride with the Siouxland Cyclists for a day ($42) all the way up to the entire week ($250) This fee goes directly to the club, you still will need to register with RAGBRAI and pay RAGBRAI registration fees directly. See details on what the fees gets you below -

Online Charter Bus Payment $125 – You've hoisted your sweat encrusted bicycle into the air on the banks of the Mississippi for the obligatory photograph.  Now what? The club hires a charter bus to take riders to Sioux City and your bikes are loaded onto one of our trucks.

Siouxland Cyclists Membership - $30- In order to ride on RAGBRAI with the club providing SAG services, you must be a member.  This is a family membership .


A reminder - you will pay the RAGBRAI fees directly to them when you go online to register at www.ragbrai.com.  Sagging fees for Siouxland Cyclists will be paid via the the buttons at the top of the screen. 

Registration is completed in three steps:

  1.    Go to www.ragbrai.com and complete their application online. Click the log in button to either access your account or create a new one. MAKE SURE you chose Siouxland Cyclists in the group field.

  2.  Complete the payment above for SAG for the number of days you are riding with us; and also click on the membership button. You must be a member to travel with us.  

  3.  Go to Facebook and friend request Siouxland Cyclists Ragbrai SAG page to get messages and information; also friend Siouxland Community Cycling group if you prefer.

As we get closer, our RAGBRAI Coordinator will be periodically sending out group emails about RAGBRAI information, including trip details, tips, and logistics.   You can contact us directly at: ragbrai@siouxlandcyclists.org


The Siouxland Cyclists play an active role in RAGBRAI® (Des Moines Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa).

Each year we offer baggage and return transportation services for members who obtain RAGBRAI® passes.

Members bring their own tents.  The club provides transportation of your gear. Other benefits to riding with the club include:

  • Our own kybo/portable toilets

  • Mobile device charging stations

  •  Chairs & awnings for fun in the shade

  •  Affordable water, sports drinks, soda, and beer

  • Hot showers in outdoor shower tents. (where allowed)  Modern showers can be obtained from a variety of community buildings as well as shower trailers.

  • Meeting new people from all over the place!

Finding the Siouxland Cyclists area of the campsite can be a challenge at the overnight town.  Riders should check the message center located at the awning for information of the next day's camp site location.  Also, as riders enter the overnight town, they can keep a lookout for "SUX" arrows located directly on the pavement. Also look for the white Siouxland Cyclists flag with our logo.

 For more information or to register, visit Ragbrai.com